Answered By: Elizabeth Ponder
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2018     Views: 57

All book titles can be found in TigerCat, the Jarrett Library online catalog. 

TigerCat is simple to use and there are several ways to search.  The quickest way is to click on the TigerCat link on the library home page (  The first box you see is the Quick Search box - simply type in title you need, choose TITLE from the list or leave it at WORDS AND PHRASES.  Click the search button - you'll either get one record or list of records if there are any hits.  It will tell you if you don't have any matches to your terms.  That could be because we either don't have anything on your subject or, more likely, your term should be changed or we have nothing on a term that narrowly focused.

It will also tell you, if we own the title, whether it is available and on the shelves or whether it has been checked out.  If it is on the shelves you can find it at the call number indicated.  If it is checked out it will tell you when it it due back in the library.  If you can wait on the book you can put a hold on it - ask as the circulation desk if you're unsure how to do that.

Anytime you need help ask for a librarian's help, use LibAnswers to ask a question.  You may also like to look through the video tutorials and written directions we have prepared that will help you use TigerCat effectively (see the LibGuide link below).