Answered By: Elizabeth Ponder
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2018     Views: 40

What's probably happening is that you are doing an AUTHOR search - that is only going to give you information about what an author has written.  If you want information about an author you need to input their name and do a SUBJECT search instead.  If there are any books about that author it will show up there.

Don't forget that you'll also find information about an author by using resources such as "Literary Reference Center", "Literature Resource Center", and "Biography Resource Center" to name just a few.  We also have print collections with biographical and critical information that will help you.  A librarian would be happy to show you how to use these resources or you can use them yourself.  Click on the link below and it will lead you to an A to Z list of electronic resources which will include the three noted above as well as others available through Jarrett Library.