If you are unable to find an item - book, journal article, etc. in our online databases, you can request this item be borrowed through interlibrary loan or ILL. To request an item on ILL, simply click on the "Interlibrary Loan" link from "Find It" section on the library's homepage (http://www.etbu.edu/library). Select either the Book or Journal Article form. Please include as much information about the item as possible to ensure the correct item is found. When the item arrives, you will be notified via your ETBU email and can pick up the item at the circulation desk in the library or in the case of a digital item, you will receive a pdf copy in your email inbox. Plan ahead; ILL can take a significant amount of time to arrive. Although digital copies of journal articles tend to be delivered in 1-3 days, it can take up to two weeks for an item to become available. If for some reason we are unable to locate your item we will notify you via the contact information you provided at the time of your request.